Do Fat Burners Actually Work?

Do Fat Burners Actually Work?

I've been in the supplement industry for nearly 10 years ... and the health & fitness industry for even longer.

And in that time, I can tell you with the utmost confidence that Fat loss is BY FAR the most common fitness goal out there.

Almost everyone has the goal of being a littler leaner, even if you want to put on muscle too. 

Whether it’s a few percentages of body fat, 10 pounds or 100 pounds … the majority of us (including myself) wouldn’t mind dropping some body fat.

The warmer weather will be here before we know it...

...and who doesn’t want to look just a little bit better in their swimsuit?

I know I do.

So … What should you do?

Where do you start?

What can you use to help?

With fat loss being such a common fitness goal, no matter what time of year it is, we're constantly asked about supplements that can be used to help … aka Fat Burners.

But do fat burners actually work?

If so, how do you pick one?

What do you look for?

Well … let’s talk about that!

Fat Burning supplements can definitely work ... but ONLY if you work with them.

The truth is that fat loss is simple … you must be burning more calories than you take in, creating a caloric deficit. It really is that simple ... but simple doesn't make it easy, I'll be the first to admit that. 

What a good quality fat burning supplement can do is help make the fat loss process just a little bit easier ... and help you battle the struggles that occur during a fat loss journey.

If you're ready to put in the work, have a diet & workout routine in place … then you could absolutely benefit from a fat burning supplement.

Think of your diet & workout routine as a fire … and then think of your fat loss supplement as throwing some serious gas on that fire!

With so many different options available, it can be very overwhelming trying to decide on the best product for you.

A good amount of fat loss supplements are more or less fancy caffeine pills...

They contain large amounts of stimulants and other ingredients that may amp you up a bit, make you sweat a little more & possibly reduce your appetite.

Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing and those benefits may be exactly what someone needs in order to stick to a diet … but they really aren’t doing much for your actual metabolism.

If you want to see the best possible success from a fat loss standpoint, you need a product that actually has metabolism boosting ingredients.

These products yield much better success and have a ton of benefits aside from just giving you energy & suppressing appetite.

You’ll notice that your typical fat loss supplements come in just one bottle with minimal ingredients. Most of them just being caffeine and other stimulants.

Metabolism boosting supplements will typically be found in systems or multiple bottles … designed to attack fat loss in many different ways!

This gives your body the necessary jolt it needs to promote a true boost in metabolism, due to the collection of different ingredients.

It would be impossible to pack all of those metabolism boosting ingredients into a two-pill serving, which is what you most commonly see in today's fat loss supplements. 

Metabolism boosting supplements will contain components that attack fat loss and improve your metabolism from multiple different angles.

These will have a variety of fully-dosed ingredients that help with:

-Reducing Stress and Cortisol (helps target midsection fat)

-Boosting Metabolism and using stored fat as energy

-Balancing blood sugar

-Helping increase the number of calories you burn naturally throughout day

-Destroying sweet & salty cravings

And they can also provide some incredible, focused energy … not just a caffeine kick.

As you can see, it would be impossible to put all of these ingredients in just one bottle or one single product … you could, but not in the correct doses needed to benefit your goals.

When you use a product that attacks fat loss in multiple ways … your chances of success sky-rocket when you are dieting & exercising. You can almost guarantee success at that point.

Since this is a lot of information, let’s recap a bit:

1. Fat burners only work if YOU WORK. Diet & Nutrition will always be the main drivers of fitness success.

2. Many fat burners are just fancy caffeine pills that don't actually provide ingredients for boosting your metabolism.

3. Look for products that contain multiple ingredients at the right dosages to truly maximize & improve the way your body burns fat.

4. If you're struggling with fat loss & finding a product that best fits your needs, reach out to any of our Sports Nutrition Specialists or drop into your local Supplement Superstores! We would be more than happy to make sure you have the perfect game plan to see the best results possible.

*This post was written by Andrew Lynn, who has a B.S. in Nutrition & Dietetics. He is also a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and N.A.S.M. Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist.