Fitness Myth Busting 101

Fitness Myth Busting 101

With summer right around the corner ... I have no doubt you're working towards getting in shape for pool season.

I'm right there with you ... but there's something I always notice this time of year with so many people kicking their fitness up a notch...

...and that's the amount of misinformation about health & wellness that starts to circulate.

Whether it comes to losing weight, building muscle, or simply getting healthier ... there's a lot of information out there that's either exaggerated or flat out incorrect.

So, to make sure you have the right information for your own fitness journey ... let's take a look at some of today's most common fitness myths:

Myth #1 - Cutting Out Carbs Is How You Lose Weight

Let's start here because of all the myths & misinformation out there ... this continues to be one of the most common. When it comes to losing weight, you must create what's called a calorie deficit. This means burning more energy than you take in ... aka burning more calories than you eat.

Though you can cut out carbs and lose weight, it's not because of the carbs themselves ... it's simply because you cut out food. And cutting out carbs is certainly not HOW you lose weight. In fact, there's research showing that those who do eat healthy carbohydrates tend to maintain a much healthier body weight in the long-run.

Myth #2 - Higher Rep Workouts Mean More Fat Burning

Let's phrase it like this ... there's no "fat-burning workouts". Like we said in myth #1 ... you burn fat by creating a calorie deficit. Workouts can contribute to that without a doubt ... but there's no specific workouts that are "fat-burning". All exercise can contribute to you burning more calories. What's best is finding workouts you enjoy ... and sticking with them.

Myth #3 - The Keto Diet (or any diet) Is "Best" For Fat Loss

You'll see a trend here with the first few myths. There is no "best diet for fat loss". The best diet is always the diet you can stick to long-term. That might be keto, nothing wrong with that at all. But that style of eating might also be a terrible idea for you. So, make sure you're following a diet you can stick with, that you enjoy, and that's set up properly for the goals you have ... that's what dictates your success.

Myth #4 - Lifting Weights Makes You Bulky

Lifting weights doesn't make you bulky. "Bulky" comes mainly from how you eat. If you're eating enough to gain weight ... that's what leads to getting "bulky". If anything, lifting weights helps you appear leaner & look better. It also provides countless health benefits. This thinking is particularly common among women ... who are usually worried about looking manly. When in reality, lifting weights (for both men & women) is going to help you look great & feel more confident.

Myth #5 - Pain, Soreness, and Sweat Indicates A Good Workout

This just isn't true. Going on an evening walk can be a great workout ... and typically doesn't lead to any pain, soreness or intense sweating. Sweating is simply the way your body regulates your body temperature. It doesn't mean you're burning more fat, or that your workout is "good". And getting sore is ok, but if you're in pain or always extremely sore after workouts ... it usually means you're just lacking in recovery. It doesn't necessarily mean your workout was successful ... it may actually mean the complete opposite.

Myth #6 - Stretching Before A Workout Prevents Injury

This one is half true ... but it's not the stretching most people think of. It's not touching your toes or holding in a specific position for 30 seconds. It's dynamic stretching or active warm-ups that can help prevent injury & get your body loose. This could be as simple as going on a 5-minute walk before your workout. Anything that moves your body can fall into this category. Try to avoid standing in one place and simply holding a positional stretch ... that may actually increase your risk of injury.

Myth #7 - Working Out Turns Fat Into Muscle

There was one point where I heard this constantly when working with my own clients. Having them tell me their goal is to "turn their fat into muscle". Well ... that's not really possible. What is possible is losing fat and then gaining muscle ... which is usually what someone means when they express this as their goal.

Myth #8 - You Can Spot Target Fat Loss

Though I wish this was true ... it's not. We all lose fat a little differently when it comes to how quickly and where it comes off at first. Unfortunately, you can't really do much to target fat loss on specific parts of your body. Just focus on losing fat overall ... and eventually it will come off in your problem areas.

Myth #9 - Toning Is A Fitness Goal

This one may surprise you ... but "toning" is actually a made up fitness word. There's no real definition of toning. What toning means is to lose body fat. Or making it so you can "see more muscle". There's nothing wrong with saying you want to be "tone" ... just know that really means you want to lose some body fat, or get a little leaner.

Myth #10 - Women & Men Need Different Exercises

This is just flat out not true in the slightest. Men and women can do the exact same workouts, follow the exact same workout principles ... and even lift the exact same weights. Women don't need lighter weight, more cardio ... or anything like that at all. Yes, men & women have different hormones ... but that doesn't mean we need to workout any differently. Women & men can (and in most cases should) do the exact same type of workouts.

I know we're missing quite a few myths, but this is a great start ... and this myth-busting should help you stay on track with your own personal fitness goals.

If you're confused about something you've heard recently when it comes to health & wellness, or you simply don't know where to start with your own personal fitness goals ... that's why we're here!

Just stop into your local Supplement Superstores ... and we will make sure you have the information you need to see the best results possible!

*This post was written by Andrew Lynn, who has a B.S. in Nutrition & Dietetics. He's also a N.A.S.M. Certified Personal Trainer and N.A.S.M. Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist.
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