How To Pick The Best Diet For You

How To Pick The Best Diet For You

The new year is here ... and that means most of us have set new fitness goals for ourselves.

Whether you're looking to lose weight, build muscle, do both at the same time, or just become the healthiest version of you ... your diet plays a HUGE role in accomplishing all of the above.

In fact, without placing a heavy focus on the way you eat ... you simply won't see the best results, and you may not see any results at all.

But with hundreds of diet recommendations out there, and everyone telling you to follow something different ... it can feel nearly impossible to figure out which diet is best.

Intermittent Fasting
Low Carb
Low Fat
No meat
No sugar
Only organic

...the list goes on.

And the more research you do, the more confused you get.

So, we're going to clear up the confusion ... and answer the question of which diet YOU should follow to see the best fitness results.

What's the Best Diet?

We're going to cut right to it ... and let you know upfront that there's no "best diet" to follow.

Because what's best for someone else may not be what's best for you. In fact, what's best for someone else might be the absolute worst idea for you in some cases.

This is why it's so important to be careful with what you see online or hear from today's "fitness influencers". They'll claim that "this diet" is best for losing weight or building muscle.

Or they'll claim that "this is the way you need to eat" to be the healthiest, or feel the best.

When in reality, you can follow almost any diet & see results, or feel healthy ... if that diet is tailored to your specific needs & goals.

So, it's not a question of finding the best diet ... it's about finding what's best for YOU personally.

How To Choose The Best Diet For You

There's two major factors to consider when it comes to finding the best diet for yourself:

1. Know Your Overall Goal - If you're looking to lose weight ... there's certain concepts that must be in place to do so. You can follow many different diets, but one factor remains ... and that's making sure you're consistently burning more calories than you're eating.

If you're looking to build muscle, you can also follow many different diet plans ... but you'll need to make sure you're eating enough calories (more than you burn) to actually do it.

Both of these goals also require you to eat a sufficient amount of protein ... but the amount YOU need to eat is going to be different than someone else. 

The point is, you need to know your overall goal ... because certain factors will need to be in place, no matter what diet you choose to follow.

2. Sustainability & Adherence - When it's all said & done, no matter what plan you choose to follow ... you need to stick with it. If you can't follow your plan long-term ... you won't see long-term results. So, when choosing a diet plan ... make sure it fits your schedule & lifestyle needs. Otherwise, the chances of you following it are slim to none.

And obviously there's a lot more that goes into finding the right diet plan for your personal needs & goals ... so we want to hook you up with this coupon for a FREE nutrition assessment that includes:

-An Inbody Scan

-A customized meal plan based on your Inbody Scan, goals, and specific lifestyle needs

-A supplement consultation based on your diet & goals

...all valued at $150! 

All of our staff is N.A.S.M. Certified in Personal Training & Fitness Nutrition ... and we're ready to help you crush your 2024 fitness goals.

Just show the coupon below at any of our local Supplement Superstores locations, and we'll make sure you're set up for success!

*This post was written by Andrew Lynn, who has a B.S. in Nutrition & Dietetics. He's also a N.A.S.M. Certified Personal Trainer and N.A.S.M. Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

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