New Products - 2023.08.16

New Products - 2023.08.16

We've brought on multiple new brands, flavors, and products to our stores over the last month...

Here's what we've added to help you reach your fitness goals: 

Ryse Nutrition - New Flavors

Loaded Pre Country Time Lemonade - This popular pre-workout is packed with research-backed ingredients ... and is a phenomenal option to help you take your workouts up a notch. And if you like classic, Country Time Lemonade ... this new flavor is about as close as it gets! 

Ryse Fuel Energy Drink Peach Cooler - Another great option if you need a delicious, calorie-free pick-me-up! Ryse continues to release some very unique flavors as well ... and the new Peach Cooler is incredibly refreshing. 

Anabolic Warfare - New Flavors

Veiniac - Veiniac, the fully loaded pump & blood flow product, has now been revamped with an all-new flavor ... Freedom Slush! Veiniac is a non-stimulant pre-workout ... making it perfect if you want all the pump & performance ingredients for your workouts, without any caffeine or "jitters".

Maniac - The counter part to Veiniac, also fully-loaded with all the pre-workout essentials ... including your caffeine & focus-enhancing ingredients. Maniac also comes in the delicious new Freedom Slush flavor.

If you want to really up the intensity of your workouts ... mix these two new products together! They make an awesome combination.

 Evogen Liquid Carnigen - New Flavors 

Evogen, one of the top-quality brands on the market today, has released two new liquid L-Carnitine flavors ... Rainbow Candy & Sour Gummies!

If you need some help taking your fat burning efforts to the next level, that's exactly what you'll get with Carnigen. This easily absorbable form of L-Carnitine can help you use stored body fat for energy ... leading to improved fat loss results. And these new flavors are spot on ... tasting just like candy & sour gummy bears. 

Gorilla Mind Products

You've asked and we've finally delivered...

We're excited to introduce MULTIPLE new products from the extremely popular brand, Gorilla Mind! 

Proteins, fully loaded pre-workouts, all-day focus products, hydration & sleep supplements, energy drinks ... and more! 

This top-quality brand is one of the best on the market today ... and you can now find them at your local Supplement Superstores location

Anabar Protein Treats - New Flavors

If you haven't tried an Anabar yet ... you're missing out!

This delicious, whole-food bar comes packed with 21 grams of protein, real food ingredients, no added fillers ... and zero sugar alcohols! 

And they've just released two more incredible flavors ... Milk Chocolate PB & Jelly & Frosted Strawberry Cupcake! 

Raw Nutrition - New Cbum Flavors

Bum Energy - The popular bodybuilder, Chris Bumstead, has added yet another flavor to his delicious energy drink line! Bum Energy comes with very minimal ingredients & an awesome energy blend for dialing in your focus ... perfect for studying, pre-workout, or a midday pick-me-up! And you'll love this Sprite-like new flavor ... Citrus Burst! 

Cbum Itholate Protein - He's also expanded his protein flavor line with another unique & incredibly tasty flavor ... Maple Waffle!

If you want that waffle taste without all the extra calories, look no further. This clean, 100% micro-filtered whey isolate packs 25 grams of protein per scoop ... and is perfect to help you boost recovery after your workouts! 

You can find all of these new flavors & products at your closest Supplement Superstores location ... just tap here to find an S2 near you! 

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